
Friday, April 12, 2013

My experience with the last 7-Day Real Food Challenge

What!??? You want fresh vegetables always now??

With a new challenge coming up in barely over a week, I wanted to share my personal experience with the last one.

You see, due to health problems in 2012, I had started looking for natural ways to help our family. I just knew there had to be answers out there! And I started searching! I ran across an blog post on Holistic Mama. 
 The blog was about a challenge I'd never heard of before- a 7 Day "Real Food" challenge-  to eat wholesome, real food for 7 days.
hmmm? Isn't all food REAL!?

The challenge even included a free basic guide to what Roxanne King, an accredited health and nutrition professional, considered  to be Real Food. Can't go wrong with free, nor professional advice!
And it wasn't a diet! Not a fad! Not expensive! Just a change!

I read it, it seemed pretty easy! I understood what was meant by real food in a matter of minutes.
I loved cooking, and this concept presented me with possibilities I considered feasible! It made sense!
As an added bonus at the time, I could join for free, and be included in an enormous list of giveaways!

Now, truthfully, I didn't take the giveaways seriously at the time. But the challenge- I considered!
I asked questions, and was surprised to find answers immediately provided.  
The support system alone sold me. 

So I planned, I bought food for it accordingly- nothing too far off my normal grocery list to really make a difference... and I tried it! The deal, at our house, is that I am the only female in an all male testosterone filled house (Dad and 2 Teenage boys! and me.) My boys do not take well to announced changes- so, at first, I planned to this for myself- like a test run. The problem was- I couldn't afford 2 dinners a night, so each night's meal I made actually followed the plan. After the first night of the challenge- and the positive reaction I got from everyone on how good dinner was...I decided to cook for everyone the rest of the week following the challenge, and just not "announce" it. (My boys -all 3 of them- do not like changes, let alone announced declarations of favorite foods being changed! LOL...) So I kept it to myself and we finished 7 days in full, without whimper or sigh- (one exception of a whine over no available hot pockets, but it was minor).

After the challenge, what occurred amazed me!!! Floored me actually!
I heard requests!
 Yes! Mom, can you make some more of that homemade bread?
Mom, when can we have that steak strip beef stroganoff again- that was good! 
Mom! Those bacon wrapped green beans were awesome, etc, etc.
One night, a while later I didn't have time to run to the store so I threw together a meal with what I had- which included canned green beans... and the reaction was instantaneous! Eww! These aren't fresh! I was floored! What?! You WANT fresh vegies only? From all 3 males in my house came a resounding YES!!!!!!!!!
So I finally took the time to explain the challenge to them, in detail. And now they are all for it! I even have help in the kitchen with cooking! If it means they can get to that real food faster -They are willing to move!

That actually was the best part! Success all around for the entire family- and we are all learning as we go! Wonderful for all!
The bonus I got??? I was notified by Roxanne King at the Holistic Mama, that I'd actually won one of the giveaways!  It was awesome!!!!!!!! A week later, I received Yogurt starter from Cultures for Health! I have never bought store bought yogurt again! We love it!

I'd won!

... not just a giveaway...
                                             I'd won a challenge---
                                                                                                for my whole family! 

                                                And we all are still winning!

Now the challenge is back! Bigger and better than ever! April 21-27!
One week! a huge 7-Day Real Food Challenge!
You can win too!!! It's all there!
There are 2 ways to join!
The bonuses for joining fully are valued above $237.00!!!!!with that value of the free bonuses ($237+) you are almost getting paid to purchase this product!!!!
The giveaways are valued at $600.00!!!!!!!

Give it a try! 
 Every small step in trying is a WIN!!!!!!

7 Day Real Food Challenge

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