
Simple, Natural Body Care

Yay!    DIY Beauty care! 

 DIY Beauty - do it yourself beauty- means accomplishing something I never thought was possible before: limiting what toxins my body is exposed to- and feeling good about what I use. It's amazing how society has forgotten that nature- mother nature- already has everything we need to take care of ourselves. Natural. Safe and effective. Gorgeous skin.

The skin is the biggest organ your body has! Everything placed on it is soaked into your body, affecting your bloodstream. Affecting you. I know by taking control of what my skin is exposed to -I am far better off than I was by playing the commercial products lab rat game. Healthier. The amount of chemicals and toxic ingredients in products sold today is overwhelming. All in the name of beauty. I desire to look perfect for me- which means Naturally ME.

In research, I quickly understood a simple golden rule to follow:  If you cannot recognize an ingredient, your body will not recognize it either. Your skin takes in what you put on, and if you cannot pronounce the ingredient- do not believe your body wants to try it either. Simple.

As I write more, I'll share my successes and failures in making things. By doing so- I hope I am able to share and help someone else in the process.
Hope you enjoy!

100% Natural Detangler

DIY Homemade Body Wash

Peppermint Sugar Scrub for tired feet

3 All Natural Deodorants and why you might want to try them

all natural daily moisturizer

Washing your face - for pimples and alt to harsh soaps

Bar Soaps in the Bathroom- an easy change

Simple Olive Oil Sugar Scrub

DIY Homemade Lip Balm

DIY Homemade Body Butter

DIY Homemade Body Spray

DIY Greasy Hand Cleanser

Lavender for the Buggy Bites


To find out what is in your make up and beauty care go to:
Skin Deep Cosmetics Database

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